What You Should Know about the Laminating Process
Laminating Basics Laminating film consists of two layers, a base layer of: Polyester, OPP Polypropylene, Nylon, or Vinyl. And an inner adhesive resin layer that becomes liquid when it reaches an activating temperature. There are a wide variety of adhesives that are applied to the base materials depending on the application. The material to be laminated is placed between two sheets of laminating film. The laminating machine melts the adhesive resin layer, which then spreads over the document, hardening as it cools and created a bond between the material and film. Types of Laminating Machines One Sided Laminating Two Sided Laminating Desktop Laminators Wide Format Laminators Laminating is well know to be one of the best ways to protect a document. The most durable form of laminating is with an overhang that completely surrounds the document for a watertight and airtight seal. Beyond that, there are many methods of laminating. Semi-auto Film Lamination Machine Lami...